Feeling Weary??? How to remain RESILIENT on your Journey amidst challenges
Do you feel like Life keeps throwing challenges at you???
And do you feel weary from your Journey?
Life is an adventure.
Full of:
- Twists and turns
- Ebbs and flows
- Highs and lows
And often, the people who remain resilient amidst Life’s changing seasons are those who …
Experience a glorious transformation beyond their wildest understanding.
Which is why today I am going to provide you a story to
Help YOU Remain Resilient on Your Journey Amidst Life’s Challenges
And YOU can be one of those individuals that …
Experience the glorious transformation beyond your wildest understanding.
Allow these words to echo and reverberate throughout your entire being.
Imagine you are at the base of a mountain.
You look up at its peak, but the top is so high up that you can’t see it.
In fact, it lies above the clouds, and so the peak is concealed by a layer of clouds.
For some odd reason, you feel a burning desire to walk up the mountain and reach its peak.
You see a path in front of you that leads up the mountain and …
You decide to take it.
You know not where it will lead,
But that burning desire moves you.
And so you start off on your journey, full of ambition and energy.
The journey seems easy:
- The path is wide and clear, many people have walked it before you
- You are fueled by a lot of energy which drives you
- That dream is burning within you
Then, some time goes by …
And the road is not as easy:
- The path isn’t as wide or clear, most people haven’t ventured this far and have turned back
- You are tired and your legs begin to burn
- The initial hit of the dream is fading
But still, that little voice inside you tells you to press on.
So you continue to put one foot in front of the other …
And trek up the mountain.
More time goes by …
And now, the road appears impossible to navigate:
- There is no path, no one has walked this far before
- Your legs are on fire and you feel you have no energy left
- You can’t see because you have reached the layer of the clouds
- You are cold, wet, and you begin to wonder … IS MY DREAM TO SCALE THE MOUNTAIN EVEN WORTH IT???
But still, that little voice inside you tells you to press on.
You put one foot in front of the other because that’s all you can see.
And finally …
You break through the layer of the clouds …
And the summit is in sight!
Now, with a resurgence of energy and passion …
You go on an ALL OUT SPRINT to the top.
And once you reach the top,
You experience the most glorious sight you have ever seen:
- You see the whole world
- You see every hill and valley
- You see every river, lake, and stream
And as you reflect on this beautiful sight,
You realize the true beauty is not necessarily in this view,
Rather, the real beauty was in the journey to scale the mountain.
Now, you are filled with a conviction to return and share your experience and journey with the world.
The same is true on our respective Journeys in Life
We have a burning desire to achieve a dream.
We may not be able to see the dream, but we know it’s there and a voice inside us tells us to pursue it.
At first, the road feels somewhat easy:
- The desire for the dream is strong
- We are filled with energy, conviction, and passion
- The Path feels wide because many people have taken similar steps before
Then, the road gets more difficult:
- The desire for the dream begins to weaken
- We begin to grow weary from the constant trek
- The Path seems to narrow because few people have pressed on to this point
Eventually, the road seems impossible:
- You begin to question if your dream is worth it
- You feel like you have no energy to keep pursuing your dream
- You are surrounded by confusion and there is no Path because no one else has walked where you are to walk
Until finally, you break through the clouds and fulfill your dream.
And the view from this newly transformed Being …
Is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.
And you realize the true beauty is not merely in being this newly transformed version of yourself.
Rather, the real beauty lies in the Journey, the process, of transforming into this heightened stage of Being.
With this realization, you feel compelled to share your message with the world.
I wish you well on your journey to remaining resilient amidst the uphill climb of Life’s challenges, and I look forward to seeing you next week.
Inspiring YOU every step of your way,
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